Module pcsc_card_db

Tracks the available readers and cards on the system, providing functions for listing the current state as well as subscribing to changes.

Behaviours: gen_server.


Tracks the available readers and cards on the system, providing functions for listing the current state as well as subscribing to changes.


    1> pcsc_card_db:list_readers().
    {ok,[<<"Yubico YubiKey OTP+FIDO+CCID 00 00">>,
         <<"Alcor Micro AU9560 01 00">>,
         <<"ACS ACR122U PICC Interface 02 00">>]}
    2> pcsc_card_db:get_reader_state(<<"ACS ACR122U PICC Interface 02 00">>).
    3> pcsc_card_db:monitor_cards(#{in_reader => #{name_contains => <<"ACS">>}}).
    4> flush().
    5> flush().
    Shell got {pcsc_card,inserted,#Ref<0.2854622174.861143041.134395>,
                         <<"ACS ACR122U PICC Interface 02 00">>,
    6> flush().
    Shell got {pcsc_card,removed,#Ref<0.2854622174.861143041.134395>,
                         <<"ACS ACR122U PICC Interface 02 00">>}

Data Types


card_filter() = #{atr => binary(), atr_prefix => binary(), atr_contains => binary(), in_reader => reader_filter()}

A filter for selecting which cards to receive events about.


card_monitor_msg() = {pcsc_card, inserted, reference(), RdrName::binary(), ATR::binary()} | {pcsc_card, removed, reference(), RdrName::binary()}

Messages sent to a subscriber who has called monitor_cards() when a card is inserted or removed on the system.


reader_filter() = #{name => binary(), name_prefix => binary(), name_contains => binary()}

A filter for selecting which readers to receive events about.


reader_monitor_msg() = {pcsc_reader, available | unavailable, reference(), RdrName::binary()}

Messages sent to a subscriber who has called monitor_readers() when a card reader becomes available or ceases to be.

Function Index

demonitor_cards/1Cancels a subscription set up by a call to monitor_cards/1.
demonitor_readers/1Cancels a subscription set up by a call to monitor_readers/1.
get_reader_atr/1Retrieves the last known ATR sent by a card in a particular card reader.
get_reader_state/1Retrieves the last known status of a particular card reader, including whether it has a card inserted and whether it is busy.
list_cards/0Lists available cards on the system, with their reader names and ATRs.
list_readers/0Returns the current list of card readers on the system, whether they contain a card or not.
monitor_cards/1Subscribes the calling process to notifications about changes to the set of available cards on the system.
monitor_readers/1Subscribes the calling process to notifications about changes to the set of available readers on the system.

Function Details


demonitor_cards(Ref::reference()) -> ok | {error, term()}

Cancels a subscription set up by a call to monitor_cards/1.


demonitor_readers(Ref::reference()) -> ok | {error, term()}

Cancels a subscription set up by a call to monitor_readers/1.


get_reader_atr(RdrName::pcsc:rdrname()) -> {ok, binary()} | {error, term()}

Retrieves the last known ATR sent by a card in a particular card reader.


get_reader_state(RdrName::pcsc:rdrname()) -> {ok, [pcsc:rdrstate()]} | {error, term()}

Retrieves the last known status of a particular card reader, including whether it has a card inserted and whether it is busy.


list_cards() -> {ok, [{pcsc:rdrname(), ATR::binary()}]} | {error, term()}

Lists available cards on the system, with their reader names and ATRs.


list_readers() -> {ok, [pcsc:rdrname()]} | {error, term()}

Returns the current list of card readers on the system, whether they contain a card or not.


monitor_cards(Filter::card_filter()) -> {ok, reference()} | {error, term()}

Subscribes the calling process to notifications about changes to the set of available cards on the system. Messages received by callers are of the type card_monitor_msg(). Returns a reference value which can be used to identify messages sent by this subscription and also useful with demonitor_cards/1


monitor_readers(Filter::reader_filter()) -> {ok, reference()} | {error, term()}

Subscribes the calling process to notifications about changes to the set of available readers on the system. Messages received by callers are of the type reader_monitor_msg(). Returns a reference value which can be used to identify messages sent by this subscription and also useful with demonitor_readers/1

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